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Bowser's Keep

    - The first level of the game is Bowser's Keep. Run through the first room and into the second to see your first enemy: Terrapins. Run or jump past them until you see a door guarded by 2 Terrapins. Approach them and you will get in a battle. (This is a great time to practice Timed Hits; See Timed Hits). Defeat them and continue to the next room. Go further into the room and Mario will look up. You will now be in a battle with Bowser.

 Area Boss - Bowser

Recommended Level:1

 Minimum Level:1

 Recommended Party Members: Mario

How to Defeat: In the battle with Bowser, attack the Kinklink. Do not attack Bowser - he will never die this way. 2 Jump hits (Y - Power) should knock the chandelier off the Kinklink and Bowser will be defeated. After defeating Bowser you will be flung to Mario's Pad. Item received after battle: None

Mario's Pad

    - After you fall in the pipe house, Toad will give you a brief speech about him coming to pick up the Princess. When he is done, jump off the rack Mario is on and follow him outside. Talk to him outside and save the game at a nearby save point. After your done, go back to Bowser's Keep. Mario will not be able to enter Bowser's Keep, the giant sword will frighten him off. Next you should return to Mario's Pad. When you do return, Toad will be inside the house and will ask about the Princess. Mario will explain what happened and Toad will run off. Try to leave the level And you will fling back because Toad will bump into you. Press yes when he asks you about using items if you know how or no if you don't. (Note* If you press yes you will get 4 mushrooms, but if you press no you only get 3). After all this, leave the level and go to Mushroom Way.

Mushroom Way

    - Just like Toad said, Mushroom Way is swarming with monsters. (You should fight a lot of them to get experience points). Avoid the enemies and get the 5 coins in the treasure box. Keep going forward and you will see Toad being cut off by a Goomba. Defeat him and Toad will give you a Honey Syrup(10FP). Make sure you get the 10 coins in the treasure box and proceed to the next area. Go strait and you will see a Goomba on a spinning flower. Beat him and jump on the flower. (Jump in the direction you want to go for a bigger jump). Go to the left and get the treasure box which contains a flower(+1FP). Jump back on the flower and go to were a Partroopa is carrying Toad. Defeat him and Toad will give you a token of his appreciation - a Flower Tab (Item - +1FP). Go to the right and there will be a treasure box which contains a mushroom( Full HP & FP). Go to the next area where there are a bunch of Spikeys. Go past them and there will be the area boss, the Hammer Bros.

    Area Boss - Hammer Bros.

Recommended Level:3

Minimum Level:2

Recommended Party Members: Mario



How To Defeat: Both Hammer Bros. have 50HP for a total of 100HP. Time your Jump (Y - Power) perfectly and attack each one once. Then attack one with Jump and it should disappear. The remaining one will use Valor - Up (Increased defense) to take less damage. Use a Jump to damage it and time the enemies' attack for less damage to Mario. Use normal attacks to defeat him and your headed to the Mushroom Kingdom. Item received after battle: Hammer (Mario's first weapon) and a Flower Jar(+3FP)

Mushroom Kingdom

    - First, you should save your game. The save box is to the right of the town. Follow the path up until you can go right. Go right and go in the house with a spinning star (Inn). Save your game and go back to the part where you turned right. Then go to Mario's right and enter a building through the door. Follow Toad straight to the Chancellor. Once your there the Chancellor will ask where the Princess is. Mario will demonstrate what happened and then you can leave. When you are leaving, the Chancellor will say something and Mario will roll down the stairs. The Chancellor will give you the Map. After this, exit the building. Once exited, you will see a cloud-like person chasing a purple crocodile. He will try to jump over a cliff and he will hit it. He will start crying and you should then talk to him. He will explain that he is Mallow, a tadpole from Tadpole Pond. Mallow will ask you to help him catch the purple crocodile to get back his Grandpa's coin. Press yes and Mallow will join your party. After you get Mallow on your quest, go to the right of the town as far as you can. There a Toad will talk about the crocodile he saw. After he is done telling you about it, you can leave the level and go to Bandit's Way to get back the coin. (Note* It is wise to go to the Item Shop - the house with the spinning mushrooms- and get Mario and Mallow's armor. You should also get 5/6 Pick Me Ups - restore fainted party member - to help you in the battle against Croco).

Bandit's Way

    - Right as you enter Bandit's Way, you will see Croco. Follow Croco into the next area, getting in a few battles for experience. In the next area, Croco will run away again. You need to keep following him. Follow Croco into the next area and there will be a spinning flower. Jump on it and then onto the elevated piece of land. Next, jump on a yellow block. Keep jumping on the blocks until you are back on land. You will now see a blue spinning flower. Go into the area next to it. In the next area guess what you'll see? Croco running away again! Keep following him until you reach the next area. In the next area you will see Croco on a yellow block. He will say its tempting and run away. Jump on the yellow block and get the treasure chest. It contains a star. Immediately after you get the star, run into as many Chows as you can. You can possibly get a level up. Then go into the next area. You will now see Croco running away again, but this time you need to catch him. Before you catch him, get the treasure at the beginning of the area. It contains a mushroom (full HP/FP). Croco will say he will hide. Approach him a few times an he will say stuff about how you can't catch him. Keep approaching him until you get in a battle with him.

    Area Boss - Croco

Recommended Level:4

Minimum Level:3

Recommended Party Members: Mario, Mallow


How To Defeat: To start the battle off, use Mario's Fire Orb technique. It should do 90 - 100 HP and light Croco's tail on fire. Attack regular with Mallow - do not use magic because Mario will need it for his Fire Orb. Croco will waste a turn dousing out his lit tail. Keep using Fire Orb for Mario and regular attacks for Mallow. Use Honey Syrups when necessary. Keep doing this strategy until Croco uses a Weird Shroom. This will heal him by 60 HP and he will almost be defeated. Keep attacking and he will be defeated soon. Now head back to the Mushroom Kingdom. Item received after battle: Mallow's Frog Coin and a Wallet

Mushroom Kingdom

    - After getting Mallow's coin back, Mushroom Kingdom will have different music. When you first enter you will see the guard being chased by a Shyster. Defeat him and the guard will give you a "whopping" ten coins. Go a little further and on the left will be a man being chased by a Shyster. Defeat it to get a Flower Tab (Note* - This is the man who owns the wallet. Give it back to him later in the game to get a Flower Tab). Keep going forward and enter a house thats dead on - go in it and there will be more Shysters. Defeat the and the family will give you a Flower Tab. Then go in the castle (the place were the Chancellor is) and you will see a Shyster chasing Toad. Save Toad and go to the left. Keep going forwrd and you will battle more Shysters. Soon you will get to Toadstool's room. Here you can save - and also look behind the fireplace to find Toadstool's ???. Her Grandma will give you a mushroom to go away. After this, go back to were Toad was being chase. The go to the Vault. Get the treasure boxes and go into the room across from it. Talk to the toad like guy in it and he will give you the Wake Up Pin (Can't be put to sleep). Then head to the throne room - the room where the Chancellor is. On the way you will have to fight a few Shysters. When you reach the throne room, you will see a giant sword. This is the sword that has terrorized the Mushroom Kingdom...

World Boss - Mack

Recommended Level:6

Minimum Level:4

Recommended Party Members: Mario, Mallow



How To Defeat: To start the battle, use a Special for either Mario or Mallow (Depends on who goes first). Mack's Bodyguards are relatively weak with only 30HP. Mallow's Thunderbolt should be able to take them out. After defeating Mack's Bodyguards, Focus your attack on Mack. Have Mario do Super Jumps or Fire Orbs. Occasionally, Mack will  get more Bodyguards. Keep using Mallow's Thunderbolt to destroy them. If you start to run low on FP, have Mallow use a Honey Syrup (+10FP). Sometimes, Mack will leave the screen. Destroy his Bodyguards and he will return. Keep having Mallow attack with Thunderbolt. Mario can attack regular with his hammer, but Mallow's regular attack is really weak. Keep repeating this until Mack disappears so you can claim your first Star Piece. Item received after battle: 1st Star Piece

Make sure you buy the Cricket Pie with Mallow's Frog Coin before leaving the Mushroom Kingdom!

Kero Sewers

    - After retrieving the 1st Star Piece from Mack, you now set off to look for Toadstool. The first level of your journey is Kero Sewers. Before entering, Mallow makes Mario aware of Belome - a creature who lives inside Kero Sewers. After going down the pipe, make sure you save your game (There is a Save Block by the water). Go down the pipe next to the Save Block. Now it gets confusing. From this pipe, go a little further and go down the nearest pipe. After that, look to your right (Not Mario's). Jump over the Rat Funk and go down the pipe. Now, press the ! switch in the room you are in. Enter the pipe that was underwater and prepare to face the creature Mallow was talking about - Belome.

    Area Boss - Belome

Recommended Level:7

Minimum Level:5

Recommended Party Members: Mario, Mallow


How To Defeat: First off, have Mario do a Fire Orb or Super Jump. Have Mallow do a few Thunderbolts, but not a whole lot. Keep having Mario attack regular now, and Mallow should do some regular attack. Eventually, Belome will do a move called S'crow Funk. This turns 1 person into a scarecrow. If you beat Pandorite, you should have the Trueform Pin. If you do, have Mario equip it. Belome will also eat Mallow! Now it is a 1 - 1 battle. If Mario does die, it is game over. Heal whenever needed. Belome will spit out Mallow and make it a 2 - 1 battle. Keep attacking until he is defeated and the gate opens up... Item received after battle: None

Midas River

    - After the flood has occurred, you are now going down a river called the Midas River. This level is really easy, all you have to do is complete it. Try to collect as many coins as you can - especially Frog Coins. At the end of your run, a guy will give you the Nok Nok Shell.

Tadpole Pond

    - Tadpole Pond is where Mallow said you needed to be - and your finally here. Go straight and step on the little circular pad type thing. After the tadpole talk to you and ask you to jump, Frogfucious will come and tell the tadpoles to form a bridge. Cross the bridge and talk to Frogfucious. He will tell you about the Star Pieces and a whole lot of other stuff.

 Make sure you give Frogfucious the Cricket Pie before you leave!

After you give Frogfucious the pie, he gives you the Froggie Stick - Mallow's first weapon. He tells you Rose Town is in trouble and that you need to go there.

Rose Way

    - In order to get to Rose Town, you must first go through Rose Way. Jump on the first yellow platform, and from there on to the second. Get the items on the islands, and proceed to the entrance of the next area. However, you need to jump back on the yellow platform that you came from. This time, it will take you to a different entrance way. Proceed through. You are now in another maze with platforms. to get through this area, go to your left and on to the yellow platform. Go on to the next one, and past the coins. Keep using the tiles to find your way to the entrance way to the next area. In the next area, there are a bunch of treasure boxes, Shy Guys, and Crooks. Grab the coins inside the boxes, and go through the entrance way to the right. (Note* - These treasure boxes never run out. You can keep entering and then exiting the area). You will now see Bowser talking to his troops. After he is done, exit the level to go to Rose Town.

Rose Town

    - After Rose Way, you come upon the troubled town of Rose Town. Arrows are being shot down from the sky. People are frozen is their tracks. First off, your going to need to prepare. go to the shop that is towards the upper right corner of the screen. Buy Mario and Mallow's armor and some Pick Me Ups. Get whatever else you need. Also, a Wake Up Pin might be good, for the boss to get the 2nd Star Piece has a lot of sleep attacks. After your done buying stuff, go to the Inn which is the building in the bottom left corner. You will now see Gaz, a toddler who is playing with Mario dolls. Gaz will ask Mario to play. Play with Gaz, and he will knock Mario out. After you sleep, Gaz will explain about here Geno doll, and how it walked into the forest. Exit Rose Town and you can now go to Forest Maze.

Forest Maze

    - Forest Maze is where Geno walked off into. To find him, first just keep going straight until you reach a stump. The stumps in the forest are just like the pipes in other levels. Go down the stump once you've reached it. Go through the underground part until you reach the trampoline. (Note* - Some of the mushrooms growing off the bushes are the ones that restore 30 HP. Some, though, are enemies.) Jump on the trampoline to return to the surface. You are now in an area with a bunch of tree trunks. Go down the one that is by itself and to the farthest point of the area. Jump on the sleeping Wiggler and the ground will start to shake. A new path is now open above ground. Keep going straight until you reach the Save Block. Save your game and continue. Now you are in an area with four different ways to choose. You also see Geno. Follow him until you see a creature flinging arrows from his body. Geno will now be on your team.

    World Boss - Bowyer

Recommended Level:8

Minimum Level:7

Recommended Party Members: Mario, Mallow, Geno



How To Defeat: For this battle, your going to need both magic and regular attacks. Start with either, and continue with whatever one you started with. Eventually, he will lock this button on his little key pad thing. Do the opposite of which he locked, and he will eventually lock that one. Heal or gain FP whenever you need to because Bowyer takes a lot of hits. Keep alternating between magic and regular attacks until Bowyer is defeated. Item received after battle: 2nd Star Piece and a Flower Box

After Bowyer, go back to Rose Town and talk to Gaz to get the Finger Shot - Geno's first weapon!

Pipe Vault

    - Pipe Vault isn't a level you have to do, unless you want to reach Yo'ster Isle. You should do the level anyways. Go down the pipe, and dodge the fire pits in the first area. Go down that pipe and you are now in a room with stairs and a Thwomp. After the Thwomp hits the ground, run up the stairs immediately. Now, go down the 2nd pipe in the area. On the next rom with a whole bunch of pipes, go down the second to last one yo play Goomba Thumpin, or go down the last one to proceed to the next area. Dodge the Goombas in the next area and go down the pipe at the end of this area. Again, dodge the enemies and go down the pipe at the end of the area. This time, go past the enemies until you see a yellow platform moving. Jump on it to avoid the enemies and then on to the red pipe. Jump over the Goomba and go down the pipe and you've reached Yo'ster Isle.

Yo'ster Isle

    - Yo'ster Isle is mostly a level with Mini Games. You don't have to do it, but here is what you can do. First off, hop on the green Yoshi's back and talk to the pink one that is not moving. She will give you 3 Yoshi Cookies. If you go down, you will see a Yoshi with sunglasses. This is Boshi. Talk to him and he will offer to race you. Press yes and Toad will come and talk to you. To win this race, you must alternate between A and B along with the rhythm. It will probably take a few tries, but if you win you can easily get Yoshi Cookies. After your done here, it's time to head for Moleville.


    - First off, you need to go to the Item Shop. It is the building to the left. Buy your party's armor and weapons. After that, head to the upper right corner to see Bowser talking to his troops again. After that, go to the left and enter the mines (You'll see the entrance).

 Coal Mines

    - When you first enter the mines, you see 3 moles talking. They will look at Mario and ask him if he knows what's going on. Press yes if you want to know or press no if you don't. Anyways, they will ask you to help them. Press yes, and then jump on them and onto the ledge to reach the entrance. In the next area, jump down and go through the entrance way. You can also talk to the man but you don't have to. Now you are in an area with a trampoline. Jump on the trampoline and Mario will crash into the ceiling and become dazed. He will faint and you will see Croco stealing your coins. Now you have to chase him. Before you chase him though, kill his 3 Crooks and each one will give you a Flower Tab. Keep chasing Croco and touch him to get in a battle.

    Area Boss - Croco

Recommended Level:8

Minimum Level:8

Recommended Party Members: Mario, Mallow, Geno


How To Defeat: This Croco isn't too much different from the first. To start, use either regular or magic attacks. Keep attacking with regular attacks, but heal if needed. After Croco is almost defeated, he will rush up to you and steal all of your items. This is why you want magic - for Mallow's HP Rain. Croco will also use Chomp, a move where he throws an enemy with you. Mario and Geno should keep attacking, but Mallow should use HP Rain to heal. Keep doing this until he is defeated. Item received after battle: Your Items, Coins, and a Bambino Bomb

After Croco is defeated, go to the area where the tracks lead into an entrance way (You'll see it - you probably passed it up while chasing Croco). Go through the next pathway and into the next area. You will now see a mole. Talk to him and he will take your Bambino Bomb and blow up an area for you you pass through. In this area, jump on the crates and go through the entrance way. Now, dodge the Bomb-Ombs and grab the treasure box. It contains a star, and you should use it to destroy the Bomb-Ombs. After you destroy the Bomb-Ombs, go through the entrance way. Next, jump on the crates and go straight through the entrance way. You are now in a room with 4 Bom-Ombs in a group. Jump over them and you will see a Save Block. Before you save your game, get the chest a little further ahead. Now save your game. From there, go straight and you'll catch a glimpse of the 3rd Star Piece and something else...

    Area Boss - Punchinello

Recommended Level:9

Minimum Level:8

Recommended Party Members: Mario, Mallow, Geno


How To Defeat: Punchinello wants to be famous by beating Mario. At first, attack Punchinello with regular attacks. Forget about his Micro Bombs - just attack him. After taking some damage, Punchinello brings out bigger bombs. Defeat those and keep attacking Punchinello, but heal when necessary. After taking more damage, Punchinello will bring out bombs even bigger. Attack those and then attack Punchinello. Keep attacking until he uses his mega bomb, and he will blow himself up! Item received after battle: 3rd Star Piece

After you defeat Punchinello, go even deeper in the mines. You will find Dyna & Mite. You will also get to do the mini game Moleville Mine Cart. While in the cart, you jump with B and brake with either A or Y. You can also get a speed boost by pressing X, only if you have a Mushroom. You also need to brake around little corners and sharp turns. After you complete the Moleville Mine Cart, you will land in Dyna & Mite's house. Exit Moleville and your on your way to Booster Pass.

Booster Pass

    - This level is really easy and is the shortest one in the game. First, jump on the cliff and keep climbing it. Go through the entrance way. In the next area, go to the right and go in the little groove. Jump around an you will hit a switch - it traps the enemies in rock. Also, grab the flower in the corner by the switch. Then, jump on the cliff and go straight to beat the level.

Booster Tower

    - When you first arrive, you see Bowser looking up at Booster Tower. You will see Toadstool yelling for Mario. After Bowser leaves, try to open the door. After that, start walking towards the exit entrance way. Bowser will rush in, break down the door, and let Mario join his "Koopa Troopa" party. You can now switch partners and have Bowser on your team. Press Yes if you know how to switch or press no if you don't. Before you enter Booster Tower, make sure Bowser is in your line up and that he has the Work Pants and any accessory. Then enter the tower. After entering the tower, go to the left and go up the stairs. Go past the pictures and through the door. You are now in a room full of Spookums. Run along the wall and jump up the stairs. Then, go through the entrance way. You are now in a room with Booster on his train. Follow the tracks and go into the little groove in the wall to receive a Flower Tab. Then go through the entrance way to the right. Go up the stairs while avoiding the Rob-Ombs. There are now to entrance ways to go through. Go in the middle one and you will see a treasure box. Jump towards it and you will hit a Bomb-Omb on a teeter totter. It will fling you up and you will hit the box. You will get the Masher - make sure you equip it to Mario. Go out the entrance way and make your way up the tower to the room you were in. This time, go in the entrance way to the left of the middle one (The second entrance way). Jump on the green ! switch in the next room and then move on. In the next room, go up the stairs. You can behind the curtains and turn into the original 8-bit Mario. You can only do this once and if you go back into the curtains or try to leave the area, you become normal again. Go through the entrance way. Kill the Spookums on the platforms and continue climbing the platforms. Avoid the bullets that the Snifits are shooting and go through entrance way. Dodge the Rob-Ombs in the next room, and save your game in the room after that. You are now in a room with pictures. if you get them in the right order, you get the Edler Key, the key that unlocks the door to Bowser's Chomp. This is the order: Picture 6, Picture 5, Picture 3, Picture 1, Picture 2, and finally, Picture 4. Unlock the door and get the Chomp - equip it to Bowser immediately. Then go through the entrance way to the right. Next, jump up the ledges and keep jumping till you reach the top. There is a teeter totter with a Thwomp and a treasure box with a healing mushroom. get the box and jump on the teeter totter to be flung even higher. In the next room, jump on the center ledge and onto the yellow platform. Jump to the ledge to the left and go in the little groove to the right. Jump to get a Frog Coin. Then, dodge the Spookum the the left, climb the stairs, and enter the entrance way. You are now in a room with a key, coins, and Frog Coins. Keep jumping towards the key - do not walk or you'll get in a battle with 2 Fireballs. Get the key and jump towards the door. Enter and hit the treasure box to get the Zoom Shoes. Then, jump around to get all the Frog Coins and then exit the area to the left. In this area, avoid the Chomps and jump up the stairs. Go through the entrance way and you will see Booster on his train again. He will start to throw bombs at you. Exit the area before they blow up. In the next room, jump from stair to stair and go through the entrance way at the end of the staircase. In the next room, jump on the yellow platforms and get the chest. Then save your game and exit the area to the right. You are now at the top of the tower - at the balcony where Toadstool is. Walk up to the door to the left side of the room and Toadstool will talk to you. After he is done, Booster will come and practice his wedding with Toadstool with the help of his Snifits. He will look for the Mario doll and he thinks it is behind the curtain where you are. The objective of this is to not let the Snifits see you. If they see you 3 times, you will get in a battle with Booster. If they don't, you will skip Booster and just fight Knife Guy and Grate Guy.

    Area Boss - Booster

Recommended Level:10

Minimum Level:9

Recommended Party Members: Mario, Geno, Bowser



How To Defeat: If you got caught while the Snifits are searching the curtains, you have to face Booster. Don't worry though, he is not that hard. You first have to defeat his 3 Sninfits. From there on, attack Booster with regular attacks. He does though have powerful attacks such as Loco Express. Loco Express will most likely kill 1 of your members of the party. Use a Pick Me Up and then keep attacking. Keep attacking until he is defeated. Item received after battle: None

    Area Boss - Knife Guy & Grate Guy

Recommended Level:10

Minimum Level:9

Recommended Party Members: Mario, Geno, Bowser


How To Defeat: These guys aren't too hard either. You should first take out Grate Guy (The pink one). He has more powerful attacks than Knife Guy. Attack Grate Guy with regular attacks until they team up. Keep attacking Grate Guy, but heal if needed. Together, they each have more powerful attacks, so watch your HP. After Grate Guy is defeated, focus all the attack on Knife Guy. Keep attacking until they are defeated. Item received after battle: Flower Jar

Booster Hill

    - Booster Hill is more of a mini game. You want to try to touch Toadstool as many times as possible before you reach the top of the hill. When you start, Toad will ask if you if you know what to do. Press Yes if you know how t or press No is you don't. Complete Booster Hill and your now at Marrymore.


    - First off, head to the item shop/Inn to the left. Buy everyone's armor and weapons, except the Super Hammer if you  have the Masher. Then, walk to the wedding hall and you will see a Snifit kicking 2 people out of the hall. He says that the door is barricaded and that the back door is locked - but it is not. Go to the right of the building and walk along the left wall. You will find yourself inside the wedding hall. Go down the stairs and to the left. Go through the entrance way and you are now in the same room as the Snifit. He will ask you to help him break down the door. Say yes and you have to hit the door at the same time. After that, you are in a room with another door that is locked. This time, you have to ram it with Bowser. Next, go through the door to find Booster and Toadstool. Toadstool will have dropped some of her things. Talk to the Snifits and they will give them to you. The last item is on Booster's head. Get it and then talk to Booster. There will be a short cut scene of Toadstool talking about "that's one for the scrapbook". After the cut scene, try to leave and the chefs will stop you. They are mad and so is the cake...

    Area Boss - Bundt

Recommended Level:11

Minimum Level:10

Recommended Party Members: Mario, Geno, Bowser


How To Defeat: Make sure that your attack is focused on Bundt - not the chefs because they have infinite HP. After a few hits, Bundt starts to move. Soon he becomes alive! After he becomes alive, the chefs will run away with fear. Now, Bundt will start to attack you. Keep attacking the cake with regular attacks until all the candles are burned out. After the candles are burnt out, the top half will disappear and you have to now fight the bottom half. Use magic and regular attacks to cause some serious damage, but also heal. The bottom half has some powerful attacks, and also some that cause status aliments. He uses Sand Storm - it causes Fear. Keep attacking until he is defeated. Item received after battle: None

Mushroom Kingdom

    - After Bundt is defeated, you need to take Toadstool back to the Mushroom Kingdom. Go to the Chancellor's room and there will be an explanation about what is happening. After it, try to leave the Mushroom Kingdom and Toadstool will float out her bedroom window using an umbrella. She will join your party and Mallow will tell you that you should now go to Tadpole pond.

Tadpole Pond

    - After getting Toadstool to join your party, you need to go to Tadpole Pond to find out where to go next. Talk to Frogfucious and he will tell you that a Star Piece has landed on Star Hill.

Star Hill

    - When you first enter Star Hill, you see 2 giant stars with keyholes and to odd green flowers. To open up the stars, you have to talk to the green flowers. Talk to the one on the left and go through the star. Now, Geno will talk to you about how this is the area where wishes take the form of a star. Now you need to talk to all of the green flowers. There's 2 on your left, 1 on your lower left, 1 on your top right, and 1 to your right. Now you should go through the star. In the next area, 1 green flower is to your lower left. The next is a little down from the first. The third is to your right. Then go down from the third one to find the fourth. Go straight up for the fifth, and then go left for the sixth. Then go through the star. In the next area, talk to the flowers that you can already see. Go straight up to find the next one, but also go to the right to find the 4th Star Piece. From there, walk along the right side of Star Hill. You'll find a lower. Go straight down to find the next and then go to the farthest top right area you can go in to find the last. Go through the star and you've beaten the level.

Seaside Town

    - First of all, go to the Inn - the building right in front of you - and rest for free. Then you should save your game. From there, exit the Inn and go to the upper left part of the screen, and enter the house. You will see the Elder. He says that you need to get the star for him that fell into the ocean. Say that you will help him and then head upstairs. You will find Frog Disciple, a tadpole who used to live at Tadpole Pond. He has very good items and accessories. You should probably buy the Exp. Booster and Earlier Times, because they will help you later in the game. After your done, exit Seaside Town and head for the Sea.


    - Go through the entrance way that is near the start. Jump down of the cliff your on and talk to the Shaman running the shop. Buy everyone's armor and Bowser's Hurly Gloves. After your done buying your armor and weapons, go through the entrance way behind the Shaman. Save your game and go through the entrance way in front of the Shaman. Go towards the treasure box in the next room and then get it for a star. Then start mowing down the Zeostars. After your done with your star, do through the entrance way at the end of the area. Avoid the Zeostars and go through the entrance way at the end of the area. In the next room, jump in the water and swim into a whirlpool. Go in the direction facing the top right of the screen. Go through a barrier that looks invisible. Go in the whirlpool and then go through the entrance way. Go straight and hit the treasure box - it contains a Max Mushroom. Then go through the entrance way to the left. You are now out of the cave and on the sand. Go in the water and down via a whirlpool. Go to the sunken ship in the water and use the top of it (Crow's Nest) like a pipe. Go down it to find what's inside the sunken ship.

Sunken Ship

    - First you need to through the door at the right and save your game. After you save, go back to the first area and through the door to the left. In this room, head towards the top right of the screen while dodging the Greapers. In the next room, go straight dodging the Greapers and Dry Bones. Then go through the entrance way. You are now in a room with stairs. Go down the stairs and got through the entrance way to the left. Now, you are in a hallway with 3 doors on the left. Go past them and through the entrance way at the end of the hall. In the next room, jump down from the ledge your on and then go through the entrance way to the left. You are now in a hall with 3 doors again. Go past them and go through the door at the end of the hall. You now see 2 ! buttons. Go over to the pile of barrels to the right. Jump on them and jump on the barrel that is slightly a different color. After it falls, jump on it and face the right. Keep jumping and it will eventually roll on to the ! button. Then, jump off and stand on the other ! button. A healing mushroom will come along with a note. Get them and save your game. Then, go through the door and your in a room with 6 blocks. To proceed, you need to enter the password and then talk into the horn. The password is " Pearls ". Enter P in the first box, E in the second, A in the third, R in the fourth, L is the fifth. and S in the last. Then talk into the horn and prepare for the creature that sunk the Sunken Ship.

    Area Boss - King Calamari

Recommended Level:13

Minimum Level:11

Recommended Party Members: Mario, Geno, Bowser


How To Defeat: First off, start the battle with regular attacks against his Tentacles. They have a move where they will take a party member away at random and that party member will be struck with fear. Keep attacking his Tentacles until they are defeated. After all the Tentacles are defeated, your -party will move up to face 2 more Tentacles and King Calamari himself. Focus all your attacks in his 2 Tentacles. After you take them out, focus all your attack on King Calamari. He shouldn't be too hard, but he has some powerful attacks. Heal when necessary. Keep attacking until he is defeated. Item received after battle: None

After you beat King Calamari, go through the door with the cannons on the sides of it. In this room, jump on the crates and onto the ledge to reach the door. Go through the door and you'll be in a room with cannons firing. When it is clear, run through and go through the entrance way to the right. Next, run down the stairs to the left while avoiding the Alley Rats. Enter the door and you will be in a room with some crates. Go to the left of the crates and through the door. You are now in a room with another Mario. Simply go through the entrance way to the left. Go through the next room and dodge the Dry Bones in the next. Go down the stairs and save your game in the next room. Now, jump over the crates, but only get the treasure box if you are ready to face a guy. You probably shouldn't, because you'll need your items to get the 5th Star piece. Skip the treasure box and go through the door. In the next room, go straight through it. In the next room, jump in the water and go down the whirlpool. Go through the entrance way to the left to go back to the room before. Get the Frog Coins and go back through the entrance way to the right. This time, go through the door to the right. Now, avoid the enemies and go down the stairs and through the door. You are now in a room with Bloobers. Run along the left wall. You should go behind the barrels and go through  a door. Hit the treasure box in the room and you will get the Safety ring. Equip it to Mario immediately. Go back to the room with the Bloobers. This time, go to the right and climb the barrels. Jump out of the water and go through the door to the right. Now, you'll be confronted with some Red Bandanas. Defeat them and get the treasure box to the left. Run up the stairs and you'll eventually get in a battle with some more Red Bandanas. Defeat them and go through  the door. You'll find the 5th Star Piece and the captain of the ship...

    Area Boss - Johnny

Recommended level:14

Minimum Level:12

Recommended Party Members: Mario, Geno, Bowser


How To Defeat: Johnny also has 4 Blue Bandanas. First of all, take them out. Then focus your attack on Johnny. However, if Mario gets hurt you need to heal him immediately. You'll need to because after Johnny takes some damage he will challenge Mario to a 1-1 battle. You have no choice but to battle him 1-1. Use Mario's regular attacks to damage Johnny, but watch your HP closely. Make sure you do defensive timed hits. Hopefully, Johnny will use a move called Mega Drain - Mario will take no damage for the move because he should have the Safety Ring equipped. You will need to heal, but keep attacking until he is defeated. Item received after battle: 5th Star Piece (Temporally)

After you beat Johnny, go through the door to the right. There will be a trampoline - use it to get out of the Sunken Ship. Then, return to Seaside Town.

Seaside Town

    - As soon as you enter Seaside Town, the Elder and 4 other residents will greet you. They will ask you to give them the star. Press Yes the first time - do not say no. You will benefit more from pressing Yes the first time than pressing No. After you give him the star, go into the Inn and save your game. Then, go to the left as far as you can. Jump on the little ledges and then go through the entrance way. You will see the Elder and the 4 other residents. Approach them and they say they will have to swim. As they are about to, Johnny pops up and the Elder is forced to take his real form...

    World Boss - Yaridovich

Recommended Level:14

Minimum Level:13

Recommended Party Members: Mario, Geno, Bowser




How To Defeat: Yaridovich is one of the toughest bosses to beat. He has good defense and extremely powerful attacks such as Water Blast. He almost has doubled the amount of HP of Johnny. He can also make a clone of himself. Start attacking him with just regular attacks. You will need to heal, and you will need a lot of Pick Me Ups. Keep attacking with regular attacks and soon Yaridovich will make a clone of himself. When this happens, attack either one. You'll know which one is the fake because it has a weak attack. Keep attacking and keep healing for this long battle to regain the 5th Star Piece.  Item received after battle: 5th Star Piece and the Shed Key

After you beat Yaridovich, go back to the main part of Seaside Town. Go down the stairs to the left and open the door of the building you first see. Inside is the real Elder and all the other residents. Remember how the walkthrough said to give the the Star Piece the first time? That's because after you save the people, you either get a Flower Box, Flower Jar, or a Flower Tab. If you pressed Yes the first time, you get the Flower Box. If you pressed No and then Yes, you get the Flower Jar. If you pressed No twice or more and then pressed Yes, you only get a Flower Tab. After all the people are saved, new weapons will be available. Go towards the Elder's house and there will be a building with 3 doors to the left. Go in the middle one to get weapons. Buy the following weapons: Troopa Shell, Parasol, Ribbit Stick, and Double Punch. Equip them to your party. Then, go to the Elder's house and he tells you of a town that could have the next Star Piece. After your done talking to him, leave Seaside Town.

Land's End

    - In the first area, jump into the cannon and time it right to shoot your self onto the cliff. Go through the entrance way and you'll have t shoot your self out of a cannon again. Then, go through the entrance way to the right. You are now in an area with pieces of elevated land. Wait for the Geckits to fall off and then jump on the elevated pieces land. Jump from one to one and go through the entrance way at the end. Save your game in the next area and go over the the spinning flower. Jump on the raised land and keep doing it until you reach the entrance way at the top. Go through the entrance way and you will be at the Sky Bridge. You can talk to the Shaman about winning coins, but you shouldn't. Just go across the bridge and go through the entrance way to the right. You are now in a desert with a rat. The rat is from Monstro Town - the town where the Elder said the star could possibly be. He will tell you that you need to go in the whirlpools that the ants are in. After the ant pops down, go into the whirlpool. Keep doing this until you fall into an underground part. But before you go deep into the underground part, make sure you have 400 coins. If not, go back above the surface and jump on the ants. When you do have 400 coins, save your game in the underground part. After you save, equip the Exp. Booster to anyone. Then, get the treasure box by the Save Block. It contains a star. Immediately after you get it, start mowing down the enemies. Walk along the pathway until you fall through a hole, hitting as many enemies as possible. After you fall through the hole, you are in a room full with a bunch of Geckits. Go to your left and there will be some crates. Here is where you need the 400 coins. Jump behind the crates and talk to the Shaman. He will sell you a star for 400 coins. But it, and then start hitting the Geckits. After your done, you should have gotten a lot of Experience. Once your star runs out, go straight from the trampoline you landed on and go through the entrance way to reach Belome Temple.

Belome Temple

    - To get to Monstro Town, you need to go through Belome Temple. In the first room, go down the stairs to the right and go through the entrance way. Do not talk to the Shaman that is on the trampoline. You are now in a room with 3 heads and a Shaman. Get the treasure box to the left and talk to the Shaman. Pay him 50 coins to get your fortune told. Hit the 3 faces in this order: Right - Center - Left. You'll get 100 coins later. Use the bricks that fall as stairs and go through the entrance way. In the net room, go straight and down the pipe at the end. Now, get the treasure box (contains 100 coins from fortune) and go under the gate. Go down the stairs to the right in the next room, but get the treasure boxes. Go through the entrance way to the right and you will be in a room with a Shaman and a fortune head. Talk to the Shaman and then hit the head. You need to get the fortune that says "Mmm, I'm so hungry! Wish I had something to eat." If you don't get this fortune, exit the area and go back in until you do. After you have the right fortune, go down the yellow tile to the right. Go through the entrance way and prepare to face the keeper of the temple...

    Area Boss - Belome

Recommended Level:15

Minimum Level:14

Recommended Party Members: Mario, Geno, Bowser


How To Defeat: Belome is back! For this battle, make sure someone has the Wake Up Pin and that someone has the Safety Ring. This is because Belome traded in his scarecrow attacks for sleep attacks. To start, just attack him with regular attacks. This time, Belome will eat a party member a make a clone of him. When he does, leave the clone alone until the end of the battle. Just focus your attack on Belome, but heal if needed. After a few turns of doing regular attacks, have Geno boost up Mario and have Mario do a Super Jump. Do mostly regular attacks, but you can do a few special attacks. After Belome is defeated, focus your attacks on his clones. They should fall quickly and you'll be close to Monstro Town. Item received after battle: None

After Belome is defeated, hit the ! switch and go through the door. Talk to the rat in the next room and go down the pipe to reach Monstro Town.

Monstro Town

    - After you land, go in the first door to the left. Talk to the Monstermama (resident inside) and she will tell you that the star is upstairs. Except it's not a Star Piece - It's a dancing star. Go down the stairs and tell the resident that the star upstairs is not the star your looking for. Monstermama will then introduce you to Sergeant Flutter - leader of the Sky Troopas. After all that is done, go to the end of the town and jump in the hole. There is a Save Block. Save your game and go to the item shop. Buy the Spiked Link only and equip it to Bowser. Now, go back to wards the trampoline but stop by the 2nd door. Notice the key? Go inside the 2nd door and talk to the Thwomp 7 times - the key will now fall. Go back outside, get the key, and save the game. Then, go back to Belome Temple via the trampoline.

Belome Temple

    - After you get the Temple Key in Monstro Town, go back to the room with the yellow tile and the fortune head. This time you need to get a fortune that says "Sorry! I'm not accepting visitors past my bedtime." After you get that fortune, go down the yellow tile and through the entrance way. Give Belome the key and you can get all the items inside the temple room. After you are done getting the items, exit the temple. Do not go to Monstro Town - go to the part in Land's End with the whirlpools.

Land's End

    - In the part with the 2 whirlpools, there is an entrance way in the top right of the screen. Go through there and Sergeant Flutter and his Sky Troopas will take positions along the cliff. Jump on the bluffs to reach the first Sky Troopa. Jump from Sky Troopa to Sky Troopa to reach the top. When you reach the top, Sergeant Flutter will give you a prize determined by your time of scaling the cliff. Go through the entrance way at the top to reach Bean Valley.

Bean Valley

    - In the first area, avoid the Stingers and go down the pipe on the right. Now, simply go down the next pipe to the left. From here, go through the entrance way near the top of the screen. You are now in an area with 5 pipes that have little plants on them. You can choose to defeat them, but you don't have to. (Note* - You can get some very good items in some of the areas that the pipes lead to) You probably shouldn't go down any of them, so save your game with the Save Block that's near the top of the screen. After you save your game, go through the entrance way to the right to find out what Shy Away's been growing...

    Area Boss - Megasmilax

Recommended Level:16

Minimum Level:15

Recommended Party Members: Mario, Geno, Bowser




How To Defeat: First off, just attack the normal Smilax with regular attack. After that, you now have to kill 2 Smilaxes. Defeat them and then you have to kill 3. After you kill the 3, Shy Away will grow 2 more and a giant one. Defeat the 2 Smilaxes and then focus your attack on Megasmilax. Make sure you have the Safety Ring and Trueform Pin equipped because Megasmilax can turn your party into Mushrooms. His attacks aren't too strong and he doesn't have much HP. Keep attacking and healing when necessary and he should be defeated easily. Item received after battle: Seed

Paper Mario
Status Aliments
Tayce T.'s Recipes
Shopping List
Side Quests
Quizmo's Quizzes
Star Spirit's Magic
Soundtrack (GMS)
Main Characters

Mario & Luigi
Important Items
Cafe Items
Cafe Blends
